Most adults have seen a Girls Gone Wild commercial at some point in time. The first time I saw it I wondered, “how why would a pretty girl like that want to show her boobs to some guy with a video camera inside an RV outside of a club?” The only conclusion I could come to that made sense was this: pretty girls can never be sure of the motivations of those around them, however they, like everyone else, have the strong need for positive human connection. The best way that these young girls have learned to get male attention is with their bodies, and this essentially becomes almost an advertising short cut. Pretty girls dress nicely to facilitate finding the “special someone”. Showing ones boobs on camera is more attention grabbing, and has a much larger audience. Like a bird displaying it’s feather and call- I guarantee you more men have seen these women through these videos than will ever meet them face to face.
Reality television has come to fill a similar niche in society, but there are deeper implications to the recently rise in reality programming. “I want to have my own reality show,” has quickly become a trend of the times. Reality shows are being rolled out at an alarming rate, but what does this say about what’s going on in the world? Some would argue that now we all think we’re so important that we should be on TV, which would be arrogant and entitled of the general public. However, I believe that this is a strong sign of showing how desperately people want to be able to form these positive connections with other people. Families are allowing cameras into their houses to share their lives with the world. That doesn’t wreak of depravity- it wreaks of an unparalleled openness. This is a massive indicator that society is ready to start trusting one another.
Porn is the most extreme case of this. The amount of porn being made and its acceptance in society has dramatically risen over the past several years. Before, sex was a very taboo subject, but now it’s not uncommon to see vibrator commercials or sex pill commercials. Sex tapes are a way to become famous in and of themselves. Porn even has its own annual awards show. Again, I don’t believe this to be a sign of depravity- like the roman empire, but we aren’t condemned to failure. This surge of naked people is just another indication of people being ready to open up to one another. These people happen to have chosen sex and cameras as a way to show the world that they’re ready to let us in to their lives.
We’ve all been ready to trust each other. We all want to be able to trust each other. We’re stopping ourselves only out of distrust for each other, and so the cycle continues. The only thing missing is the awareness that our capacity to care for one another is our best asset as a species.
Television, movies and internet has such a big effect on any one that watches it shows porn.
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