Sunday, January 30, 2011

First Draft of Reality...

I just finished the first draft of my film about my time in Afghanistan. It's still very rough and nowhere near release quality, but the fact that I have a complete film is very comforting. I have no idea who will end up seeing the final film, and where it will take me. I can only hope that my intent not be lost in the process.

In the meantime it's a very good reminder that you are rarely judged for the things you begin, but you're always remembered for the things you complete. Nobody cares what you think or feel about much of anything; they care what you do. My thoughts and feelings about Afghanistan are pretty much irrelevant, but this film has meaning. I am DOING something. I am CREATING meaning from events. The actions that happen everywhere have meaning, but translating that into film is doing something ABOUT the meaning that I see. Any way you cut it, it's honest, and it felt good to make... here's hoping the industry gets it.

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