Monday, October 18, 2010

The Notion of Enemy

Considering a new rise of ‘the big idea’ is still incredibly difficult for some. Looking at the reasons for past failures is the best way to prevent future disaster. Once we understand why we have fallen we can simply dance around the hole this time around.

The big idea is about unification of people. Creating that sort of beautiful all in it together feeling. In the Marines I learned the most common place for this feeling to exist is where there is a common enemy. This gives the unifying party a reason to band together. However, this is then doomed to failure on its foundation. The foundation is in rooted an idea of separation- which was the whole problem in the first place! The big idea can catch and hold only now because it can be based in the human desire for positive contact with each other. The Internet is the catalyst that lets this core idea be stripped to it’s barest bones and spread in collective thought. Its ability to remain pure this time lies in the fact that no falsehood can exist under the scrutiny of the collective eye.

The idea is nothing new, and you have probably come to a similar conclusion at some point. What I am saying is that we all share the same idea of how this could work and we should just start doing it and talking to each other about it. No rules, no rallies, no protests, no organizations, just starting with being kind and understanding to one another. The rest will come later.

Where do we fit into this idea? Firstly I’m not special, or magical, or mystical… and have already fended off suggestions of ego tripping since talking about this. Forget the previous ‘savior’ model of this event. We are each a voice among many all saying the same thing. "I refuse to do nothing at all", but we would never EXPECT the world to change from our words- well it can. There were people born with earth as center of the universe and died the sun as center- yet man did not shift the cosmos. Who's to say we can't do the same? I hope only to give form and focus to the already existing thoughts of others.

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