Friday, October 22, 2010

The World Needs Some Hope...

We’ve destroyed our own faith in humanity, and we continue to batter it into the ground. We stand together like a bunch of gunslingers, but nobody wants to lower their muzzle first. We've forgotten life isn’t a gun fight. We are not separated by steel and lead but connected by copper and fiber. We look across the world and see lines and divisions, groups and separations. We still cling to the idea that we must belong to a group and oppose another in order to be. We define ourselves by conflict not realizing that in conflict we are connecting to an opponent, to a team, to other people. Loving your opponent and accepting the conflict is called being honorable. Our hero's normally fight with honor and compassion, but we trudge along as if it were impossible. We all want to think and be this way, but the first step is trusting the world. Lower your muzzle and the world will lower theirs.

Last night I was arriving at my friends house late into the morning. On a dark street a man crossed from the other side and began walking in front of me. Being a marine- I listen intently and look behind myself. Sure enough I had caught his partner slipping up behind me. I engaged with them before they could start whatever they had planned- introduced myself. a block later we began to part ways and I wished them well. I found myself turning around and going back to ask them if they were alright, being out so late and all. The first thing out of his mouth was that they were hurting for money. I gave him the $40 or so that was in my pocket, looked him in the eye and wished him well... then went to my friends couch to pass out. That's my drop in the bucket for today... next time I'm going to sit down and talk to them. This is how we fix everything one step at a time.

now tweeting @ItsJustAnIdea

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